Learning about race is a life long journey.
Course Information

Sunday evenings
Time: 2/7 - 3/14,
4-6pm PST via Zoom
Thursday evenings
Time: 4/22 - 5/27,
4-6pm PST via Zoom
Thursday evenings
Time: 2/4 - 3/11,
4-6pm PST via Zoom
This 6-week course is offered to raise awareness about difference, equity and racial justice. This course was designed to help prepare, support and empower teachers and parents to engage in dialogues with youth and other adults about race and racism and to take inspired anti-racist action for youth in schools.
In this course, we reflect on how we learned about race and racism as children ourselves and consider how this plays a role in how we talk about race with our children and students. We also discuss how children think about and understand race and racism and consider how they make sense of the world around them. And, finally, we think about how institutions (such as schools) are organized to perpetuate racism and consider how we might interrupt this school-based racism.
If you are interested in signing up for this course in Summer 2021, please email info@riseforracialjustice.org.